Stressful events are ​inevitable, our response to them is optional.

The toughest challenge?

Navigating the stressors of a demanding, high-performance environment.
The most rewarding feat? Safeguarding the well-being of the professionals in your care.

Getting special training for Mental Health Awareness, Psychological Safety and Stress Resilience makes a huge difference in organizational culture and can be just what’s needed to elevate your people’s performance sustainably.

Doing Well and Being Well go hand in hand!

We support the Sustainable Performance and Prevention efforts of organizations and people through expert training and specialized knowledge for Occupational Health & Wellbeing in sport and beyond.

Our training programmes:

  • EDUCATE by teaching validated principles from performance and behavioural psychology.
  • ELEVATE by creating new awareness around the topics that matter most for people to flourish in their professions.
  • EMPOWER by putting leaders and their people in greater command of themselves.

The result?

  • PROFESSIONALS feel empowered with the resilience to transcend the many challenges of their high performance environments.
  • LEADERS are trained to lead with the empathy and integrity that will foster safety, mental health & wellbeing in their teams, enhancing performance sustainably.
  • ORGANIZATIONS have a vision and strategy for authentic accountability to the welfare of their people.
helen de haan consultant

Educational and Advisory Services

All services can also be delivered in Spanish, French, German or Dutch.

A journey begins with just one little step…

Empowerment & Safeguarding

Conscious organizations need strategies for the empowerment and safeguarding the psycho-social safety of their people. We support you with:

  • Advice on Frameworks and Policy required for the safeguarding of your professional environment
  • Creation of specialized content for your own empowerment and prevention programmes
  • Confidential Advisor Services

Education, Training & Coaching

Organizations require professional, engaging and impactful training & coaching which we can offer as group or individual solutions:

  • Workshops or presentations (using client’s proprietary content or our own specialized content)
  • Training programmes tailored to specific needs of the client
  • Stress- & Burnout Coaching
  • Mental Health Education

Stress Assessments

Organizations looking for effective stress prevention services are best advised with measurable outcomes. We provide you with scientifically based, Persolog©-licensed metric tools to deliver tangible solutions:

  • Individual Stress Profile Reports
  • Team Stress Profile Reports
  • Personalized Stress Management strategies



What you’ll learn about:

Mental health literacy is about having a comprehensive understanding of various mental health conditions, their symptoms, treatment options, and strategies for prevention and intervention, empowering individuals to recognize, address, and support mental health challenges effectively. Studies on Mental Health awareness training for managers consistently suggest several benefits of leaders being able to detect signs of mental distress in their teams. From recognizing common mental health challenges to implementing supportive interventions, it is crucial for managers and sports coaches to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to foster a culture of psychological safety if they want to elevate the outcomes of their teams.

Human beings have various stress coping mechanisms– some of them good, others entirely counter-productive.The most impactful anxiety coping strategies are those that enable you to avoid self-induced stress, which is the most unnecessary and counter-productive type of stress there is, but can be harnessed through awareness and change of habits. Our courses on stress management focus on how performance potential can be raised through consistent elimination of unnecessary and controllable stressors.

This is about making a vital switch in focus. It includes redefining your vision but also setting goals and objectives that include indicators of well-being, such as employee satisfaction, engagement, and work-life balance.
A new approach can completely transform work environments and their people’s ability to perform better in them. Let us teach you how!

There is no change without measuring the current situation and having clarity on the future outcomes you want to aim for. It is no different in stress management. For anyone to effectively manage their stress levels, they must first find out where exactly the stress is coming from and how effective their current coping mechanisms are. Once you have a reliable report on your stress profile, you can build the right strategy to counteract your stressors with fitting coping mechanisms that are uniquely right for you.

Whether it’s practicing mindfulness techniques, prioritizing self-care, fostering social connections, or developing healthy coping mechanisms, our resources are designed to support you on your journey to greater resilience and fulfillment. With our guidance, you’ll gain the tools and knowledge needed to navigate adversity with grace and resilience, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and balanced life.

By equipping individuals with stress resilience techniques, such as boundary setting and assertiveness training, they gain invaluable tools to navigate challenging situations and assert their rights. This proactive approach not only empowers individuals to protect themselves from potential abuses of power but also cultivates a culture of resilience and empowerment within the organization. Through the integration of stress resilience practices into safeguarding initiatives, organizations can enhance their ability to create environments where all individuals feel safe, valued, and supported.

Client Testimonials